November 1, 2021

Why Your Personal Injury Lawyer Will Not Make More Money Than You on Your Case: Fact vs. Myth

What a Personal Injury Lawyer Will Make Representing Your Case

Personal Injury Lawyer

Often, when a person is injured in an accident and wants to know if they should hire personal injury attorneys like Rose Sanders, PLLC, the next question concerns how much money the lawyer will make. The short answer: less than their clients. 

Contingency fees are common for lawyers because it means not getting paid until your client does, thus incentivizing them to work hard on each case. Hence, you have a better chance of being compensated for your lawsuit or settlement earnings. 

Before you decide to hire a personal injury attorney, it's important to know how much they would make representing your case.

In this article, we will discuss why your personal injury lawyer will not make more money than you in your case!


Personal Injury Attorney: Fact vs Myth

A personal injury attorney is a legal professional who provides services to those injured due to others' negligence. 

They primarily practice in the area of tort law, which deals with civil cases, such as injuries and property damage resulting from an act that goes against public policy–usually by another party's careless actions.


Myth #1: Hiring a personal injury attorney to represent you means the lawyer will make much more money than the client if they win

Most personal injury cases are taken on a contingency fee basis. Not to be confused with pro bono law, contingency fees are only paid to your personal injury attorney if you win or settle out of court. 

For these cases, lawyers usually require about 25-40% of the total settlement as their fee. This can vary based on several factors, including whether there was insurance involved in the case.

Myth #2: Contingency fees can’t be negotiated

As part of a contingency fee agreement, you will receive a higher percentage of any settlement or award than your attorney will. 

For example, if your lawyer's contingency fee is 40%, and an insurance company offers you a $20,000 settlement, your lawyer will receive $8,000. 

However, you may still wish to negotiate the contingency fees, though your chances of success are typically based on what your attorney will need to do to win your case; research, paperwork, etc. 

The more complicated the liability is to prove, the higher your contingency fees will be, and for a good reason.

Myth #3: Attorneys gouge clients in personal injury cases

Many people are under the false assumption that hiring a personal injury lawyer means the attorney will make more money than their clients with higher percentages of winnings from lawsuits, but this is not true. 

Contingency-based cases mean that you likely won't be charged any upfront fees and only receive a payment if your case wins. 

Myth #4: Personal injury lawyers won’t help negotiate insurance settlements

After personal injuries, such as a truck or car accident, insurance companies typically try to settle for the lowest amount possible, and they usually have the experience to out-negotiate you, which means that many injured parties without a lawyer settle for less than they deserve. 

However, your personal injury attorney will negotiate with the insurance company so that you get what is fair in terms of compensation. The experienced attorneys at Rose Sanders understand that recovery after a personal injury is challenging, and we will adjust the negotiated amount according to your medical, psychological, or other needs. 

The goal is not to have any money worries to focus on what is important—healing and recovering from your injuries.


Your Personal Injury Claim

Personal Injury Claim
Injured hand writing injury claim procedure on screen

Most people believe that the attorney will make more money than you, but this is not true. The lawyer will take a percentage of what they get for you in your settlement, and there are no upfront fees to pay.

Your attorney will work on a contingency fee in personal injury cases, which means they only get paid if you win your case.

Many factors can affect the amount of compensation you will receive if your case is successful. One factor, in particular, is how much a personal injury lawyer makes when representing the client. It's important to remember that an experienced attorney may be able to maximize what they get for their services by negotiating with insurance companies or presenting evidence effectively to ensure you get the fairest possible settlement.

The attorneys at Rose Sanders, PLLC know the factors that determine the amount you can receive as a settlement, which means we use our skills to maximize compensation on your behalf through negotiation skills and industry expertise.

Choosing the Right Personal Injury Attorney

While we aggressively pursue compensation for injured Texans at Rose Sanders Law Firm, PLLC, we know that every circumstance is unique, which is why we will give you and your special case attention. We focus on representing individual rights instead of using a one-size-fits-all approach. We provide our clients with our complete resources to maximize the payment amount for those injured due to someone else's carelessness.

Our personal injury attorneys have the experience and knowledge required to handle a variety of cases. Our family backgrounds in the health care and insurance industries give us significant insight into what is needed for you or your loved one after an accident occurs. 

We work with clients injured due to negligence due to unsafe property conditions and those involved in car accidents and commercial truck incidents—just some examples out of many possibilities! 

If we can help, please get in touch with us today for more information about our services at no cost during your free consultation.

Our results-based law firm has a vast network of doctors, therapists, and imaging facilities to examine personal injury case files, so we know the best direction for your legal needs. Our clients are represented under the premise that well-presented facts will win out in court; our goal is to help you get fair compensation for injuries caused by another party's negligence.



You may be surprised to learn that most lawyers earn less than their clients

Most personal injury cases are taken on a contingency fee basis, which is about 25-40% of the total settlement. 

You can also negotiate the contingency fees. The more complicated the liability is to prove, the higher your contingency fees will be, and for a good reason.

Contingency-based cases mean that you likely won't be charged any upfront fees and only receive a payment if your case wins.

Your personal injury attorney will also negotiate with the insurance company so you get fair compensation. 

Get in touch with us today for more information about our services at no cost during your free consultation.


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(956) 877 2454
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El Paso, TX 79901
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Suite 100 Houston, TX 77046
(713) 221-3773